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Why Ukulele?

Your teachers, Mr. Toastey and Miss Plum!

Your teachers, Mr. Toastey and Miss Plum!

Strum don’t fret! That’s the core value in all of the programs offered by KYuke. The goal is simple: to make music —sweet music— a personal part of your life. The key word is “personal.”

We all have our favorite songs. Lists of them. Which is great.

But guess what’s even better? Learning to PLAY your favorite song. Because then it really becomes YOURS in a way. You become a maker of music, rather than simply a consumer of music.

A New Convert!Plus? Making music is so good for you. It’s a FACT. Making music lowers stress, opens the door to the hypnotic, healing, profound power of rhythm, and exercises the same higher-brain functions that are used for problem solving. So KYuke wants you to strum don’t fret! (OK, it’s our little joke —because we also teach you to “fret,” but it’s not the same kind. It’s worry-free fretting. So maybe it’s really “strum and fret, but don’t fret.” Ah, we digress.)

It’s great to get started young, but tell that to the many ukulele fans who found the instrument in their 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s. That’s because ukulele is the instrument that says “It’s not too late to have personal music in your life.” KYuke is here to help all ages find their voice, find their own personal music. Let us help you, by way of classes and programs for all ages, or by private and group lessons. Together we can sing a song, the song of songs. Your song. Everybody’s song.

Still strumming,

Mr. Toastey